2024 using pyinvoke for task automation Implementing CorrelationID In Kafka Stream Unified interface for developer and Build Pipeline
2023 Striking the Balance: Simplicity, Adaptability, and Effective Prioritization in Software Development
2020 A jounery of performance tuning KafkaStream application Tracking the root cause of a topic co-partition issue
2014 build rest api in scala spray based rest api RxJava初探 Monoid, Functor, Applicative and Monad Behind $.ajax create a scala project with sbt
2013 Ruby clean code之block and instance eval Rails application deployment automation with mina Thoughts on design a RESTful API on RoR stack Delimited Continuations(WIP) 使用spring提高rails开发效率 Deploying Rails App through Capistrano Setup nginx and unicorn KNN算法ruby实现 Water pouring problem的scala实现
2012 Innovation,让工作更有趣——给local build增加声音反馈 那些BDD中用到的工具们 Character encoding 怎样写单元测试 How SSH works? Getting started with chef Polymorphic Association Scala中的递归(译) Vagrant初探 OOCamp 笔记 About Git meta programing ruby读书笔记 In Melbourne prototype based 继承机制 浏览器是怎么工作的(1) My understand of why nodejs
2011 如何安装exuberant ctags 并为你的工程生成tag文件 自动化回归测试 什么是闭包? 东拉西扯 ThoughtWorks入职一月 好的编程习惯 ThoughtWorks入职两周 how do I install metric_fu for my rails project successfully 工作中的一点感悟 Scala实现的各种排序算法 读架构腐化之谜有感 回家 Main Idea of functional language 随想 随笔 2010年度总结
2008 新的工作第一天,感觉良好 巴基斯坦地震了 状态奇差 路遇城管 收到offer了 脑残标语 跳槽小记 九天没有动笔了,总得写点什么吧 解决一问题——Oracle中 Char 与 Varchar 恩,要常动脑筋 Apache的ab能够查看tomcat运行状态 今天又进来一批新员工 今天收到《Test-Driven Development》书了。 c3p0的helper线程数目过多导致内存溢出 懒惰是我们的天性 又进了一个稍觉郁闷的项目 解决了一个死锁问题 Spring, Hibernate, Struts2项目总结 开博啦