Getting started with chef

Set up a ubuntu node and run recipe on it


  1. a running ubuntu node which accessiable via SSH from your labtop(workstation)
  2. cd to chef-repo directory.


    Bootstrap ububtu:
knife bootstrap IP_ADDRESS -x USERNAME -P PASSWORD --sudo

Verify the installation completed
knife client list

you will see your nodename in the client list

Download cookbooks from community site
knife cookbook site install getting-started

the cookbook named “getting-started” will be downloaded into chef-repo/cookbooks/

Upload the recipe to Hosted Chef so it is available for our nodes
knife cookbook upload getting-started 

Add this new recipe to the new nodes run list
knife node run_list add NODENAME 'recipe[getting-started]'

Run the added recipe remotely via ssh
knife ssh name:NODENAME -x USERNAME -P PASSWORD "sudo chef-client" -a ipaddress

Runnig chef-client as a deamon
knife cookbook site install chef-client
knife cookbook upload chef-client
knife node run_list add NODENAME 'recipe[chef-client]'
knife ssh name:NODENAME -x USERNAME -P PASSWORD "sudo chef-client" -a ipaddress

Advanced tips:

  • add recipe when bootstrap node
knife bootstrap IP_ADDRESS -r 'recipe[chef-client]' -x USERNAME -P PASSWORD --sudo

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Published on October 20, 2024