This blog is talking about how I install metric_fu in a rails project.

firstly, I typed a command "gem install metric_fu", unfortunatlly, I got a error message like this

"ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::DependencyError)

 Unable to resolve dependencies: metric_fu requires chronic (~> 0.3.0)"

seems that metric_fu can not find the required verion of chronic gem, then I googled chronic, and know that chronic is time parsing tool writen in ruby, the latest version of chronic is 0.6.2. 

so how should I solve this problem?

as I know, a gem package is just like a jar file, which contains  class files and some manifests files. but a gem package can do one more thing - telling you the name and version of those gems it depends on.  so I got a soluation :  change the version declaration of chronic in the "dependency declaration file", telling metric_fu to use the latest verion of chronic.

        Then I  googled again, and a got a import information - people can install gem from source , 

here is the steps:

1. download the correct version of gem source code from  code base (github in general)

        2. build a gem package from the source. 

        3. install the gem package you built.

for more detail, you can see here .

Note : step 2 is the key point.

        before I build my metric_fu gem, I check a file named

        "metric_fu.gemspec", and found out that this is the "dependency description file"

         then I find the dependency description of chronic "s.add_dependency("chronic", [">= 0.3.0"])"

modify the version to "0.6.2", run command "gem build metric_fu.gemspec",  so I got a metric_fu gem depends on chronic 0.6.2.

         finaly, cd to my project directory,

         run command "gem install ../gem_repositry/metric_fu.gem", 

this time, the metric_fu is installed successfully.

         Hope this information is helpful for you.


Update: this is not a good pratice.

                 you can install a old version of chronic manually, and then install metric_fu 2.1.1.

                and I met another problem when running metric_fu in ruby 1.9.2 with syntax 1.0 - "invalid UTF8 charater sequence", you can find the issue here .

                my soluation is just like Jscruggs said . here is my configuration code: do |config| config.syntax_highlighting = false end


  1. 要理性地说服别人,切忌带有情绪沟通,保持冷静
  2. 用通俗易懂的例子告诉对方那样做有什么样的好处和坏处
  3. 不要试图通过展示自己的经验、资历来使别人认同自己
  4. 给出你认为更好的建议
  5. 做任何一件事情之前,首先考虑做这个事情是否有价值,是否有其他更简单的思路来获得客户的认可。




Insertion Sort:

def isort(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
  xs match {
    case List() => List()
    case x :: xs1 => insert(x, isort(xs1))
def insert(x: Int, xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
  xs match {
    case List() => List(x)
    case y :: ys => if (x <= y) x :: xs else y :: insert(x, ys)


def main(args: Array[String])
  val xs = List(4, 6, 7, 3, 223, 999999, 6)

Quick sort:

def quicksort[T](less: (T, T) => Boolean)(xs: List[T]):List[T]= xs match
  case List() => List()
  case y::ys => 
    quicksort(less)(ys.filter( a => less(a, y)))::: List(y) ::: quicksort(less)(ys.filter( b => !less(b, y)))


def main(args : Array[String])
  val xs = List(4, 5, 8, 1, 10);
  val sorted = quicksort((x: Int, y: Int) => x > y)(xs);
  print (sorted)

不知各位看完后是什么感觉?想想用C、Java语言实现一个insertion sort、 quick sort 的代码量吧,再看看这个scala实现,无需关注变量状态,只需要告诉编译器,先做什么,再做什么,其余的事情就由编译器自己实现了, 现在应该了解到函数式语言的威力了吧。个人感觉函数式语言更加接近人类的思维模式,想当年刚开始学习C++的时候,写个冒泡排序都把我憋出大红脸出来,后来接触到函数式语言才发现,原来编程是可以这么有趣,这么爽! 迷途的人们啊,赶快投入到函数式语言的怀抱中来吧 :)


1 架构失控。


        2 功能杂糅。


3 build, deploy 时间过长。


4 启动时间过长。

我测试了一下,在一台 CPU 为core dual 2.0GHz、 4G 内存的机器上,启动UT容器需要40~50秒,启动web容器需要4~5分钟。容器启动越慢,那么开发人员得到的反馈周期也越长,试想在一个几十个开发人员的项目组里出现这种情况,这是多大的浪费!


1 实施code review。

开发过程中必须进行 code review,如果条件允许,可以尝试pair programming, 面对面的交流永远是知识传承的最佳方式。

通过新老员工之间的code review 或者pair programming, 新员工可以以最快的速度了解项目内部一些约定:如,展示层的公共逻辑应该放在ViewCommon工程里;除了工具类,应该尽量避免静态方法调用;也可以尽快了解他应该写什么样的代码,写什么样的代码会挨批。


         2 有必要做这么大吗?



         3 精简build 脚本。

把构建任务中的每一步都独立成一个单独的target, 即能达到脚本重用的目的,又能让开发人员灵活选择自己想要运行的target ,另,目前我们的项目还是存在循环依赖的情形,这个问题必须解决。

 4 这个问题有多种解决方案:



“修改代码->重启容器->刷新页面->查看结果” 这样一个反馈周期超长的流程。



