spray based rest api

August 21, 2014

spray based rest api

Spray is an open-source toolkit for building REST/HTTP-based integration layers on top of Scala and Akka. Being asynchronous, actor-based, fast, lightweight, modular and testable it’s a great way to connect your Scala applications to the world.


This post will give you a example of how to use spray to build a REST api.


you want to build a REST api that support the following operations:

GET     /users/:id
POST    /users


spray-routing gives you a elegant DSL to build routing system, which will accept http request and respond correctly. let’s see the example:

//File: src/scala/com/example/MyService.scala

trait MyService extends HttpService {
  implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = actorRefFactory.dispatcher
  val userRepository: UserRepository

  val myRoute =
    path("users" / Segment) {
      userId => {
        get {
          complete {
            //must import SprayJsonSupport to get a json mashaller
            import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
            userRepository fetch userId

The MyService trait extends spray.routing.HttpService which includes a bunch of convinient mehtods for creating DSL, such as path, get, complete. The variable myRoute defines a set of rules:

  • When a http request matches GET /users/:id, call userRepo.get with extracted userId, and response with the result.
  • When a http request matches POST /users/, call userRepo.save with extracted userData, and response correponded status code.

Note that there is a field defined as val userRepository: UserRepository not be initialized. This field will be implemened in a acturall actor (MyServiceActor in this example). The actural business logic was deleagted into this object.

json support

I haven’t find a JSON library in Java/Scala world which providing as good api as Ruby doses. if you konw one please let me know.

spray-json is the most beautiful one I ever found!

spray-json allows you to convert between:

  • String JSON documents
  • JSON Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) with base type JsValue
  • instances of arbitrary Scala types

in this post, we just want to convert between JSON documents and Scala case class. To enable JSON serialization/deserialization for your case class, just define a implicit method which returns a instance of RootJsonFormat[YourCaseClass].

//File: src/scala/com/example/User.scala

package com.example

import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat

case class User(name: String, age: Int)
object User {
  implicit def userJsonFormat: RootJsonFormat[User] = jsonFormat2(User.apply)

Put them together

As we metioned before, Spray is built on top of Scala and Akka, to enable MyService to handle http request, we need to create a actor:

class MyServiceActor(userRepo: UserRepository) extends Actor with MyService {

  def actorRefFactory = context

  def receive = runRoute(myRoute)

  override val userRepository: UserRepository = userRepo

This actor mixin MyService, in the receive method, call runRoute to handle http request with pre-defined route.

A Tips:

put your business logic in plain scala object instead of actor.

I found that it is really hard to test logic in a actor, so I preferred to implate business logic in a pure scala class, then it is much easier to test it. then inject a instance of this class into a actor.

The full exmaple can be found here.

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